Vegetables: A Crossword Puzzle for French Learners

Please find a crossword puzzle with a vegetable theme below. If you're not familiar with the vocabulary, you can try a matching exercise about vegetables and a vegetable-themed word scramble, which we have previously published on this subject. I hope you will enjoy them. 😊


Vegetables: A Crossword Puzzle for French Learners

1 mushroom
4 carrot
5 bell pepper
6 cucumber
9 spinach
10 tomato
11 peas
13 eggplant
14 broccoli
15 zucchini

2 artichoke
3 cauliflower
7 celery
8 corn
11 leek
12 onion


artichoke     :       artichaut
bell pepper   :      poivron
broccoli      :         brocoli
carrot  :  carotte
cauliflower  : chou-fleur
celery  :  céleri
corn   :    maïs
cucumber      :      concombre
eggplant        :      aubergine
leek    :   poireau
mushroom     :     champignon
onion  :  oignon
peas  :    petits pois
spinach : épinard
tomato : tomate
zucchini      :         courgette
