Vegetables: A Word Scramble Puzzle for French Learners

We provided a practice using vegetable words in a previous post. You can assess how well you were able to retain those words by completing this word scramble puzzle, which uses the same vocabulary as the previous word search puzzle. Don't worry if you find this exercise difficult. By scrolling down, you can find the necessary vocabulary at the end of this blog post. Now let's get started!

A Word Scramble Puzzle

Des légumes


artichoke     :       artichaut
asparagus     :      asperge
bell pepper   :      poivron
broccoli      :         brocoli
carrot  :  carotte
cauliflower  : chou-fleur
celery  :  céleri
corn   :    maïs
cucumber      :      concombre
eggplant        :      aubergine
green beans    :   haricots verts
leek    :   poireau
mushroom     :     champignon
onion  :  oignon
peas  :    petits pois
potato : pomme de terre
pumpkin      :        courge
spinach : épinard
tomato : tomate
zucchini      :         courgette
