Fruits : A Word Scramble Exercise for Hungarian Learners
Below, you can find a word scramble puzzle. Exercises like this can be a good way to increase vocabulary and language proficiency. Learners are forced to consider language critically and creatively by rearranging the letters in a set of words. Generally speaking, word scramble exercises are a fun and dynamic way to supplement conventional language learning techniques, and they can aid learners in gaining confidence and fluency in their target language. We already have puzzles on the blog about fruits: a crossword puzzle and a word search puzzle for beginners.
áfonya blueberry
alma apple
ananász pineapple
avokádó avocado
banán banana
citrom lemon
cseresznye cherry
eper strawberry
görögdinnye watermelon
körte pear
mandarin tangerine
narancs orange
őszibarack peach
szeder blackberry
szilva plum
szőlő grape
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Discover more puzzles in my book
It is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble's webstore, and a number of other online bookstores.
Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners will benefit most from this book.
And this is my book written in easy Hungarian,
created for children learning Hungarian:
The e-book can be purchased at
and other online bookstores.
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and in a variety of other bookshops.
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