Fruit Names in Hungarian: A Word Search Puzzle



Below, you can find a word search puzzle. Your task is to locate 16 Hungarian fruit names in the grid. The words are hidden in every possible direction, so it may be a challenge to find them all. But keep going—you can do it! I wish you good luck!


Find the following words in the grid:

alma, narancs, szőlő, ananász, görögdinnye
eper, áfonya, málna, cseresznye, citrom
őszibarack, körte, füge, szilva, ribizli, gránátalma

Word Search Puzzle


áfonya = blueberry
alma = appel
ananász = pineapple
citrom = lemon
cseresznye = cherry
eper = strawberry
füge = fig
görögdinnye = watermelon
gránátalma = pomegranate
körte = pear
málna = raspberry
narancs = orange
őszibarack = peach
ribizli = redcurrant
szilva = plum
szőlő = grape
