Fruits : A Crossword for Hungarian Learners


If you're learning Hungarian and want to broaden your vocabulary, our crossword puzzle might be of interest to you. This exercise will put your knowledge of Hungarian fruit names to the test. You can have fun while completing it because it's both enjoyable and challenging. Get ready to sharpen your language abilities and quickly advance your fruit knowledge. Let's get started!


Gyümölcsök : Keresztrejtvény


1 cherry
5 grape
6 strawberry
7 cranberry
9 blueberry
11 watermelon
12 pear
13 banana
15 raspberry
16 apple
17 plum
18 avocado

2 orange
3 lemon
4 peach
8 pomegranate
10 fig
14 pineapple
15 mango


apple -- alma
avocado -- avokádó
banana -- banán
blueberry -- áfonya
cherry -- cseresznye
cranberry -- ribizli
fig -- füge
grape -- szőlő 
lemon -- citrom
mango -- mangó
orange -- narancs
peach -- őszibarack
pear -- körte
pineapple -- ananász
plum -- szilva
pomegranate -- gránátalma
raspberry -- málna
strawberry -- eper
watermelon -- görögdinnye

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Bori Csege : Expand Your Hungarian Vocabulary : Animals -- Állatok

It is available from AmazonBarnes & Noble's webstore, and a number of other online bookstores. 

Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners will benefit most from this book.
