Housing : A Word Search Puzzle for German Learners

Below, you will find a word search puzzle that we created for German language learners. Go ahead and look for the words if you are familiar with the ones listed in front of the puzzle, but I suggest returning to the previous exercise if you are having trouble recalling the meanings of the words. 

You can access the previous puzzle by clicking on the following link:

Housing : A Matching Exercise for German Learners


Find the words below in the grid. 
Directions: horizontally from left to right, vertically and diagonally from top to bottom.

Wohngebäude, Dachboden, Balkon, Badezimmer, Schlafzimmer
Keller, Schornstein, Esszimmer, Garage, Garten
Haus, Küche, Wohnzimmer, Dach, Toilette

Housing : A Word Search Puzzle for German Learners
