Housing : A Matching Exercise for German Learners

There is a matching exercise below that we made for German language learners. Solving it should not be too tough because even novices will be able to understand at least half of the vocabulary. But do not worry if you still find it difficult. To access the vocabulary section, simply scroll down to the bottom of this blog post.

We intend to release additional exercises with the same vocabulary, so please remember to return if you are interested.


Match the words to the appropriate images.

Housing : A Matching Exercise for German Learners


das Badezimmer : bathroom
der Balkon : balcony
das Dach : roof
der Dachboden : attic
das Esszimmer : dining room
die Garage : garage
der Garten : garden
das Haus : house
der Keller : cellar
die Küche : kitchen
das Schlafzimmer : bedroom
der Schornstein : chimney
die Toilette : toilet
das Wohngebäude : apartment building
das Wohnzimmer : living room
