School : A Word Scramble Puzzle for German Learners

We posted a matching game with a school theme on our blog a few weeks ago. For an added challenge, we have turned it into a word scramble puzzle. If you're finding it tough to decipher the words, don't hesitate to visit the initial school-themed matching game. This will enable you to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary.


School : A Word Scramble Puzzle for German Learners


DPAPEMEEFR (Federmappe) - 9
ERLESCHURBKEIG (Kugelschreiber) - 5
ESCHUTSCHLA (Schultasche) - 12
FATLE (Tafel) - 10
FEHT (Heft) - 14
FUBTITTNS (Buntstift) - 13
ILEESTIFPITTZBSR (Bleistiftspitzer) - 6
KMZINRLEAMSSE (Klassenzimmer) - 3
LENALI (Lineal) - 7
LIFBETSIT (Bleistift) - 4
LNUENTSNAPD (Stundenplan) - 8
LUESCH (Schule) - 2 
OHUSCHFL (Schulhof) - 1
RUEAMMRIGDI (Radiergummi) - 11
SCHKLCOGELU (Schulglocke) - 15

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