School : A Matching Puzzle for German Learners

You can explore the world of school vocabulary with this interactive matching game. This is the first in a series of learning activities on this subject. Begin with this puzzle, but return later because we intend to introduce a variety of exercises exploring this topic in the near future.


School : A Matching Puzzle for German Learners


1 Schulhof, 2 Schule, 3 Klassenzimmer, 4 Bleistift, 5 Kugelschreiber, 6 Bleistiftspitzer, 7 Lineal, 8 Stundenplan, 9 Federmappe, 10 Tafel, 11 Radiergummi, 12 Schultasche, 13 Buntstift, 14 Heft, 15 Schulglocke

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Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

The book is available in (almost) every Amazon store. 

Just a couple of links where you can buy it:
