Vegetables : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners
Below, you'll find a word search puzzle all about vegetables. This is the second puzzle dedicated to vegetables in recent weeks. The first one was a crossword puzzle with pictures, and you can access it here: a crossword puzzle with a vegetable theme. This word search is a bit more challenging as the words are hidden in all directions. But don't worry if it gets tricky; remember, challenges like these provide excellent opportunities for learning and growth!
Find the below words in the grid. Look for them in every direction!
articsóka, borsó, brokkoli, burgonya, cukkini
gomba, hagyma, karfiol, kukorica, padlizsán
paradicsom, póréhagyma, sárgarépa, spárga
spenót, tök, uborka, zeller, zöldbab
artichoke articsóka
asparagus spárga
bell pepper kaliforniai paprika
broccoli brokkoli
carrot sárgarépa
cauliflower karfiol
celery zeller
corn kukorica
cucumber uborka
eggplant padlizsán
green beans zöldbab
leek póréhagyma
mushroom gomba
onion hagyma
peas borsó
potato burgonya
pumpkin tök
spinach spenót
tomato paradicsom
zucchini cukkini
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Discover more puzzles in my book
It is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble's webstore, and a number of other online bookstores.
Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners will benefit most from this book.
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