Vegetables: A Crossword Puzzle for Hungarian Learners
Below, you can find a vegetable-themed crossword designed for language learners. If you're not familiar with the vocabulary, you can try to solve our matching exercise on vegetables and our vegetable-themed word scramble first. I hope you will enjoy them.
1 green beans
3 spinach
4 celery
6 mushroom
7 cucumber
8 leek
10 tomato
13 artichoke
14 peas
15 onion
2 potato
3 carrot
5 pumpkin
8 eggplant
9 broccoli
11 asparagus
12 zucchini
artichoke -- articsóka
asparagus -- spárga
broccoli -- brokkoli
carrot -- sárgarépa
celery -- zeller
cucumber -- uborka
eggplant -- padlizsán
green beans -- zöldbab
leek -- póréhagyma
mushroom -- gomba
onion -- hagyma, vöröshagyma
peas -- borsó
potato -- burgonya, krumpli
pumpkin -- tök
spinach -- spenót
tomato -- paradicsom
zucchini -- cukkini
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Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners will benefit most from this book.
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