Vegetables : A Word Search Puzzle for Korean Learners

A vegetable-themed word search puzzle is provided below. This is the second puzzle on vegetables in recent weeks. The first was a crossword puzzle that you can find here: mini crossword puzzles on vegetables. So, let's get started! 😊


Find the below words in the grid. Look for them horizontally from left to right, and vertically from top to bottom!

콩나물, 단고추, 브로콜리, 당근, 콜리플라워
셀러리, 고추, 옥수수, 오이, 마늘
쌈추, 상추, 양파, 느타리버섯
완두콩, 감자, 호박, 쪽파
표고버섯, 시금치, 토마토, 서양 호박

Vegetables : A Word Search Puzzle for Korean Learners


bean sprouts 콩나물
bell pepper 단고추
broccoli 브로콜리
carrot 당근
cauliflower 콜리플라워
celery 셀러리
chili pepper 고추
corn 옥수수
cucumber 오이
garlic 마늘
Korean cabbage 쌈추
lettuce 상추
onion 양파
oyster mushroom 느타리버섯
peas 완두
potato 감자
pumpkin 호박
Scallion 쪽파
shiitake mushroom 표고버섯
spinach 시금치
tomato 토마토
zucchini 서양 호박
