Vegetables : Mini Crossword Puzzles for Korean Learners

There are five small crossword puzzles in this blog post. Your task is to horizontally insert the correct Korean words into the squares. Once you have finished, you can locate vegetable names vertically in the highlighted squares. I hope you won't find it too challenging. Let's begin!


Vegetables : Five Small Crosswords for Korean Learners


1.  단고추 bell pepper
단추 button
고기 meat
추천하다  to recommend

2. 브로콜리 broccoli
브라질 Brazil
로봇 robot
콜라 Cola
리모컨  remote control

3. 감자 potato
감동 Emotion, moved
자동차 car

4. 마늘 garlic
마시다  to drink
늘다  to increase, to grow

5. 당근 carrot
당신 you (formal)
근처 vicinity, nearby

Vegetables : Solutions
