Professions: A Word Search Puzzle for Korean Learners
A few months ago, we published a word scramble puzzle with job-related Korean vocabulary on this blog. Now, you have the possibility of reviewing those words with a new activity. Below, there are 16 images representing various occupations, along with a word search puzzle. Your mission is to find all 16 hidden professions in the grid. Although it may be difficult, don't give up! Keep searching, and you'll find them all.
간호사 nurse
건축가 architect
계산원 cashier
농부 farmer
목수 carpenter
미용사 hairdresser
배관공 plumber
배우 actor
사서 librarian
선생님 teacher
재단사 tailor
전기기사 electrician
정원사 gardener
제빵사 baker
통역사 interpreter
화가 painter
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