Missing Letters in French Words : Dans la ville

Words that referenced municipal services and facilities were already used in a previous puzzle. Since this exercise uses nearly the same vocabulary as the previous one, you have the opportunity to review those words now.


After viewing the illustrations, fill in the blanks in the words. Just a heads up: the length of the underline symbol does not match the quantity of letters that are missing from the text. You can find the answers at the blog's bottom if you don't think this exercise is very simple.

Clicking on the link will take you to the previous puzzle, a Crossword with Urban Vocabulary.

Visual cues for the missing letters puzzle


1. salon de b___t__
2. __ade sporti__ 
3. stat__
4. b__tim___
5. tro___r 
6. ___rt__r
7. gra___-c___l
8. ch__t___
9. kios___ 
10. ca__erne de ___pi__rs
11. m__r__ 
12. co__i__ari__ 
13. __ard__ d'__f__nts
14. sa__e de __m 
15. b__r__ de pos__
16. __gli__ 
17. pi__ine 
18. ca___drale


1. salon de beauté
2. stade sportif 
3. statue
4. bâtiment
5. trottoir 
6. quartier
7. gratte-ciel
8. château
9. kiosque 
10. caserne de pompiers
11. mairie 
12. commissariat 
13. jardin d'enfants
14. salle de gym 
15. bureau de poste
16. église 
17. piscine 
18. cathédrale
