Dans la ville : A Crossword puzzle for French Learners

 Dans la ville

Dans la ville

Below you will find a crossword puzzle with French vocabulary about towns and cities. If you are stuck, scroll down to the vocabulary section where you can find the necessary French words along with their English meaning.

I wish you a happy puzzle-solving time!


1 outskirts
3 church
5 company
7 barber shop
8 stadium
12 police station
13 cathedral
14 town hall
15 neighborhood
16 palace
17 apartment building


2 post office
4 statue
6 swimming pool
9 sidewalk
10 kiosk
11 gym
13 castle


bureau de poste -- post office

cathédrale -- cathedrale

château -- castle

commissariat -- police station

église -- church

enterprise -- company

faubourg -- outskirts

immeuble -- apartment building

kiosque -- kiosk

mairie -- town hall

palais -- palace

piscine -- swimming pool

quartier -- neighborhood, district

salle de gym -- gym

salon de coiffure -- barber shop

stade sportif -- stadium

statue -- statue

trottoir -- sidewalk
