Thanksgiving : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday in Hungary, but common Thanksgiving words do exist in Hungarian! So, we have created a matching puzzle to help you learn some of the most important Thanksgiving-related words in Hungarian. If you get stuck, don’t worry—just scroll down to the help section, where you’ll find all the vocabulary needed to solve the puzzle.


Thanksgiving : A Matching Puzzle for Hungarian Learners


áfonya : cranberry
áfonyaszósz : cranberry sauce
aratás : harvest
bőségszaru : cornucopia
burgonyapüré : mashed potatoes
család : family
kandalló : fireplace
kenyér : bread
kukorica : corn
makk : acorn
őszi levelek : autumn leaves
pulyka : turkey
sütőtök : pumpkin
szaft : gravy
zarándok : pilgrim

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Bori Csege : Expand Your Hungarian Vocabulary : Animals -- Állatok

It is available from AmazonBarnes & Noble's webstoreBokusBooks ExpressBlackwellsBookshop.orgAdlibrisBooktopia, and a number of other online bookstores.

Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners 
will benefit most from this book.
