Halloween : A Matching Puzzle for Chinese Learners

We created a Halloween-themed matching puzzle for Chinese learners, which you can find below. Certainly, Halloween is not as popular in China as in the United States, but the usual Halloween words do have Chinese translations so we can use them for playing. I hope you will find this exercise joyful. If it is too challenging, though, don't worry. Just scroll down to find the vocabulary used in this puzzle along with their English translations.


Halloween : A Matching Puzzle for Chinese Learners


女巫锅 nǚwū guō cauldron
木乃伊 mùnǎiyī mummy
扫帚 sàozhǒu broom
巫婆 wūpó witch
服装 fúzhuāng costume
怪物 guàiwù monster
南瓜 nánguā pumpkin
骨架 gǔjià skeleton
鬼屋 guǐwū haunted house
鬼魂 guǐhún ghost
黑猫 hēi māo black cat
蜘蛛 zhīzhū spider
蜘蛛网 zhīzhū wǎng cobweb
蝙蝠 biānfú bat
糖果 tángguǒ candy
魔鬼 móguǐ devil

 *   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book 

Elle Lin : Learning HSK Words with Puzzles

This book is intended for those who want to practice basic Chinese characters as well as the pinyin of commonly used Chinese words. It contains a variety of puzzles and exercises that will help you improve your language skills.

LINK to the book on Amazon.com
LINK to the book on Amazon.de
LINK to the book on Amazon.co.jp

Elle Lin : Learning HSK Words with Puzzles

Elle Lin : Learning HSK Words with Puzzles
