Summer Vacation: A Matching Puzzle for Chinese Learners

We created a matching exercise with summer vocabulary for Chinese learners, which is provided below. Hopefully, you won't find it too difficult, but if you do, just scroll down for the vocabulary section.

We intend to publish additional exercises using the same vocabulary, so keep checking back if you are interested.


Summer Vacation: A Matching Puzzle for Chinese Learners


冰淇淋 bīngqílín -- ice cream
出汗 chū hàn -- to sweat
吊床 diàochuáng -- hammock
太阳镜 tàiyángjìng -- sunglasses
帐篷 zhàngpeng -- tent
摩托艇 mótuō tǐng -- motorboat
沙堡 shābǎo -- sandcastle
海浪 hǎilàng -- wave
短裤 duǎnkù -- shorts
蜻蜓 qīngtíng -- dragonfly
西瓜 xīguā -- watermelon
遮阳伞 zhēyáng sǎn -- beach umbrella
闪电 shǎndiàn -- lightning
阳光 yángguāng -- sunshine
风帆冲浪 fēngfān chōnglàng  --  windsurfing

 *   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book 

Learning HSK Words with Puzzles: Level: HSK 1

This book is intended for those who want to practice basic Chinese characters as well as the pinyin of commonly used Chinese words. It contains a variety of puzzles and exercises that will help you improve your language skills.

Elle Lin : Learning HSK Words with Puzzles

Elle Lin : Learning HSK Words with Puzzles
