Summer Vacation: A Matching Puzzle for Spanish Learners

A matching exercise featuring summer-related vocabulary is provided below. Hopefully, you will not have any problems answering it, but if you do, simply scroll down to get the answers.

We plan to release more exercises with the same vocabulary, so if you are interested, be sure to check back.


Summer Vacation: A Matching Puzzle for Spanish Learners


(10) carpa
(11) castillo de arena
(15) gafas de sol
(12) hacer windsurf
(13) hamaca
(6) helado
(8) lancha motora
(2) libélula
(9) ola
(14) pantalones cortos
(4) parasol
(3) relámpago
(5) sandía
(1) sol
(7) sudar

*   *   *

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Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles : 
Clues in English, answers in Spanish

Crosswords for Spanish Learners

Crosswords for Learning Spanish
