Housing : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

We created a word search puzzle for Hungarian learners, which you can see below. I hope you understand the meanings of the words, but if not, I recommend returning to a previous exercise with the same words and using it to refresh your vocabulary.

You can access it by clicking on the following link:

Housing : A Matching Exercise for Hungarian Learners


Find the words below in the grid. 
Directions: horizontally from left to right, vertically and diagonally from top to bottom.

lakóépület, padlás, erkély, fürdőszoba, hálószoba
pince, kémény, étkező, garázs, kert
ház, konyha, nappali, tető, WC

Housing : A Word Search Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Bori Csege : Expand Your Hungarian Vocabulary : Animals -- Állatok

It is available from AmazonBarnes & Noble's webstore, and a number of other online bookstores. 

Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners will benefit most from this book.
