Actions : A Matching Puzzle for Spanish Learners

Below you will find a matching exercise that we created for Spanish learners. I hope you won't find it too challenging, but if you do, just scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the vocabulary needed to solve it.


Match the words with the correct pictures!

Actions : A Matching Puzzle for Spanish Learners


___ apoyarse
___ coger
___ correr
___ coser
___ destrozar
___ empujar
___ esconderse
___ gritar
___ llevar
___ recoger
___ susurrar
___ tirar
___ tirar
___ tocar
___ verter


to carry : llevar
to catch : coger
to hide : esconderse
to lean on : apoyarse
to pick up : recoger
to pour : verter
to pull : tirar
to push : empujar
to run : correr
to sew : coser
to shout : gritar
to tear : destrozar
to touch : tocar
to throw : tirar
to whisper : susurrar
