Shopping : A Matching Puzzle for Korean Learners

For your enjoyment today, we have prepared a matching activity centered around the theme "Shopping." Over the next few weeks, we will be making additional puzzles using this vocabulary. So, if you want to practice these words in different exercises, be sure to check back later.


Shopping : A Matching Puzzle for Korean Learners


(1) 꽃집
(11) 돈
(2) 병
(14) 빵집
(12) 서점
(5) 슈퍼마켓
(8) 시장
(4) 식료품
(6) 어시장
(13) 영수증
(3) 쇼핑 카트
(9) 장바구니
(7) 정육점
(10) 통조림
