School : A Word Scramble Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

We posted a school-themed matching game on our blog a few weeks ago. We have made it a little more difficult by presenting you with a jumbled-up version of the words. If you are having trouble deciphering the words, simply solve the original school-related matching game first. This will allow you to become more acquainted with the vocabulary. Then you can return and try to solve this word scramble puzzle as well.


School : A Word Scramble Puzzle for Hungarian Learners

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AKOSIL (iskola)
ÁLYZEESTOTRM (osztályterem)
CSGEŐN (csengő)
LOLÓSLYTOG (golyóstoll)
LÓLOTTATR (tolltartó)
LTÁAB (tábla)
NÓZVALO (vonalzó)
REANRÓD (órarend)
RÍRDA (radír)
SOIASÁTALKK (iskolatáska)
SZNEÍS UCZEAR (színes ceruza)
ÜTFEZ (füzet)
VLIUKSRADAO (iskolaudvar)
ZAUECR (ceruza)
ZEEŐGYH (hegyező)

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Bori Csege : Expand Your Hungarian Vocabulary : Animals -- Állatok

It is available from AmazonBarnes & Noble's webstore, and a number of other online bookstores. 

Intermediate and upper-intermediate Hungarian learners will benefit most from this book.
