Shopping: A Matching Puzzle for Spanish Learners

For today's activity, we have prepared a matching game with the topic of shopping as the central theme. In the coming days and weeks, we will be constructing additional puzzles utilizing this vocabulary. Therefore, if you are interested in acquiring further knowledge, be sure to return.


Shopping: A Matching Puzzle for Spanish Learners


2 Botella (f)
7 Carnicería (f)
3 Carrito (m)
9 Cesta (f)
4 Comestibles (m)
11 Dinero (m)
1 Floristería (f)
10 Latas (f)
12 Librería (f)
8 Mercado (m)
14 Panadería (f)
6 Pescadería (f)
13 Recibo (m)
5 Supermercado (m)
