School : A Word Search Puzzle for French Learners

Within this section, you'll discover a school-themed word search puzzle. The words are concealed in multiple directions, offering an enjoyable challenge as you seek them out.

Please note that phrases like "cloche de l'école" will appear in the grid as "clochedelécole": without spaces and without an apostrophe.


Find the following words in the grid below. They are hidden horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom, and diagonally from top to bottom.

cahier, cartable, cloche de l'école
cour d'école, crayon, crayon de couleur
école, emploi du temps, gomme
règle, salle de classe, stylo à bille
tableau noir, taille-crayon, trousse

School : A Word Search Puzzle for French Learners

If you would like to solve a school-themed matching exercise, too, you can find it at the link.

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You can find more puzzles in our TpT store "Word Puzzle Corner". 

These collections are intended for French learners; we will add more in the coming weeks:

Les animaux de la ferme
