School : A Word Scramble Puzzle for English Learners

A few weeks ago, we published a school-related matching exercise on the blog. We have now transformed it into a word scramble puzzle to increase its difficulty. However, if you find it too challenging to guess the answers, please feel free to refer back to the original school-themed matching exercise first to become more acquainted with the vocabulary. 


School : A Word Scramble Puzzle for English Learners


From top to bottom: 10, 1, 9, 13, 6, 4, 15, 3, 14, 7, 2, 11, 12, 5, 8

1 schoolyard, 2 school, 3 classroom, 4 pencil, 5 ballpoint pen, 6 pencil sharpener, 7 ruler, 8 timetable, 9 pencil case, 10 blackboard, 11 eraser, 12 school bag, 13 colored pencil, 14 notebook, 15 school bell
