School : A Word Search Puzzle for English Learners

Below, you will find a school-themed word search puzzle. The words are hidden in various directions, so it might be a bit challenging, but I believe in your skills!  Enjoy!


Find the following words in the grid below. They are hidden horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom, and diagonally from top to bottom.

ballpoint pen, blackboard, classroom, 
colored pencil, eraser, notebook
pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener
ruler, school, school bag, school bell
schoolyard, timetable

School-themed word search puzzle

If you enjoyed doing this puzzle, try another one. Here you can find a school-themed matching exercise.

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Ejercita tu Inglés: Crucigramas Temáticos para Hispanohablantes : 
Learn English Vocabulary the Fun Way
