Animals : A Word Search Puzzle for Spanish Learners

Step into the world of language exploration with our new word search puzzle! In the following, you will discover 16 animal pictures accompanied by a grid filled with the names of these animals. Your task is to find the hidden words and then match them to their corresponding pictures. Sharpen your linguistic abilities, uncover new vocabulary, and reinforce your language knowledge as you dive into this stimulating journey. So, let's begin!


Find the animal names in the grid. They are hidden horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom, and diagonally also from top to bottom.

Pictures of animals

Word Search Puzzle on Animals


1 ciervo, 2 camarón, 3 jirafa, 4 pulpo, 5 mono, 6 oso, 7 serpiente, 8 mapache

9 cebra, 10 oso polar, 11 lobo, 12 morsa, 13 león, 14 guepardo, 15 perezoso, 16 zorro

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