Animals : A Word Scramble Puzzle for Spanish Learners
An intriguing word scramble puzzle with 16 animal images awaits you here. Your task is a twofold adventure: begin by unraveling the mixed-up letters to unveil the hidden words. Once you have mastered that, move on to matching these words with the images they correspond to. There is no need to worry if you find yourself adrift. Simply scroll down to find the necessary vocabulary to solve the puzzle.
bear -- oso
cheetah -- guepardo
deer -- ciervo
fox -- zorro
giraffe -- jirafa
lion -- león
monkey -- mono
octopus -- pulpo
polar bear -- oso polar
raccoon -- mapache
shrimp -- camarón
sloth -- perezoso
snake -- serpiente
walrus -- morsa
wolf -- lobo
zebra -- cebra
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Discover more puzzles in my book
Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
Clues in English, answers in Spanish
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