Vegetables : A Word Search Puzzle for Spanish Learners
Take a look below to find our latest word search puzzle, featuring a range of vegetables. This is not the first time that we have posted puzzles on this theme. Recently, we shared a crossword puzzle on this topic that you can find here: a vegetable-themed crossword puzzle. Though the word search puzzle we are introducing today is tailored for beginners, don't underestimate it; the words are tucked away in all directions, adding an element of challenge. But with a keen eye, we hope you'll be able to find them all!
Find the below words in the grid. Look for them in every direction!
alcachofa, apio, berenjena, brócoli, calabacín
calabaza, cebolla, champiñón, coliflor
espárrago, espinaca, guisantes, judías verdes
maíz, patata, pepino, pimiento
puerro, tomate, zanahoria
alcachofa artichoke
apio celery
berenjena eggplant
brócoli broccoli
calabacín zucchini
calabaza pumpkin
cebolla onion
champiñón mushroom
coliflor cauliflower
espárrago asparagus
espinaca spinach
guisantes peas
judías verdes green beans
maíz corn
patata potato
pepino cucumber
pimiento pepper
puerro leek
tomate tomato
zanahoria carrot
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Discover more puzzles in my book
Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
Clues in English, answers in Spanish
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