Vegetables: A Word Scramble Puzzle for Spanish Learners
We already offered an exercise with vegetable words in a previous post. Because this word scramble puzzle uses the same vocabulary as the previous word search puzzle, you can now see if you still remember those words. Don't be alarmed if you feel lost. Simply scroll down to the bottom of this blog post to find the vocabulary needed to complete this exercise as usual. So, let's get started!
artichoke -- alcachofa
asparagus -- espárrago
bell pepper -- pimiento
broccoli -- brócoli
carrot -- zanahoria
cauliflower -- coliflor
celery -- apio
corn -- maíz
cucumber -- pepino
eggplant -- berenjena
green beans -- judías verdes
leek -- puerro
mushroom -- champiñón
onion -- cebolla
peas -- guisantes
potato -- patata
pumpkin -- calabaza
spinach -- espinaca
tomato -- tomate
zucchini -- calabacín
asparagus -- espárrago
bell pepper -- pimiento
broccoli -- brócoli
carrot -- zanahoria
cauliflower -- coliflor
celery -- apio
corn -- maíz
cucumber -- pepino
eggplant -- berenjena
green beans -- judías verdes
leek -- puerro
mushroom -- champiñón
onion -- cebolla
peas -- guisantes
potato -- patata
pumpkin -- calabaza
spinach -- espinaca
tomato -- tomate
zucchini -- calabacín
* * *
Discover more puzzles in my book
Crosswords for learning Spanish: 50 crossword puzzles :
Clues in English, answers in Spanish
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