Fruits : A Crossword for French Learners
We have a crossword puzzle that might be of interest to you if you're learning French and want to increase your vocabulary. It's both enjoyable and difficult, so you can have a good time while solving it. Prepare to sharpen your language abilities and quickly advance your fruit knowledge. Let's start now!
5 strawberry
7 pear
8 blueberry
10 apple
11 pomegranate
13 avocado
15 grape
16 mango
17 cherry
1 peach
2 grapefruit
3 cranberry
4 raspberry
6 fig
9 watermelon
12 plum
13 pineapple
14 lemon
2 grapefruit
3 cranberry
4 raspberry
6 fig
9 watermelon
12 plum
13 pineapple
14 lemon
5 fraise
7 poire
8 myrtille
10 pomme
11 grenade
13 avocat
15 raisin
16 mangue
17 cerise
1 pêche
2 pamplemousse
3 canneberge
4 framboise
6 figue
9 pastèque
12 prune
13 ananas
14 citron
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