A Matching Exercise with Spring Vocabulary in German

Below is a matching exercise with spring vocabulary. By reaffirming word associations, matching exercises aid language learners in expanding their vocabulary. They give students immediate feedback, enabling them to spot mistakes and quickly fix them.

Let's get started right away and pick up a few spring vocabulary words!


Spring vocabulary with pictures


12 Blühen
7  Blütenblätter
10 Gras
13 Hyazinthe
5  Marienkäfer
15 Narzisse
4  Nesthocker
2  Nieselregen
8  Pfützen
14 Rotkehlchen
6  Schlüpfling
1  Schmetterling
9  Schneeglöckchen
11 Spross
3  Tauwetter

 *   *   *

Discover more puzzles in my book, which was revised and republished in June 2023:

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