Positive Qualities : A Word Search Puzzle for ESL Students


Illustration to the word search puzzle
Below are a word search puzzle and a list of hints. Your task is to find the hidden words in the grid and match them with their correct definitions. In the grid, words can be found in every possible direction: horizontally from left to right and from right to left; vertically from top to bottom and from bottom to top; and diagonally from top to bottom and from bottom to top.
I sincerely hope that you won't find this puzzle to be too difficult, but if you do, you can find a partial solution at the bottom of this blog post.

Positive Qualities Word Search Puzzle


-- a person who behaves in ways that relate more to the realities of the world than to ideas or desires
-- a person who is able to control a difficult situation without upsetting anyone
-- able to adjust to new conditions
-- able to plan things carefully, keep things tidy, and work effectively
-- able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time 
-- cordial, courteous, civil
-- extremely amusing and causing a lot of laughter
-- having a strong desire and determination to succeed
-- intelligent, bright, smart
-- loyal, steadfast
-- modest; showing a low estimate of one's importance
-- showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective
-- somebody who is able to decide
-- to be sympathetic to someone's woes
-- treating all rivals or disputants equally

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adaptable: able to adjust to new conditions
ambitious: having a strong desire and determination to succeed
clever: intelligent, bright, smart
decisive: somebody who is able to decide
diplomatic: a person who is able to control a difficult situation without upsetting anyone
faithful: loyal, steadfast
hilarious: extremely amusing and causing a lot of laughter
humble: modest; showing a low estimate of one's importance
impartial: treating all rivals or disputants equally
organized: able to plan things carefully, keep things tidy, and work effectively
patient: able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time 
polite: cordial, courteous, civil
practical: a person who behaves in ways that relate more to the realities of the world than to ideas or desires
understanding: to be sympathetic to someone's woes
zealous: showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective

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You can find more puzzles in our TpT store "Word Puzzle Corner":

Farm Animals : Word Search Puzzles


Nature : Word Puzzles

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