In the city : Missing Letters Puzzle for English Learners


In a previous puzzle, we had already utilized words that referred to community buildings and services. Since most of the terminology used in this puzzle was also utilized in that puzzle, you now have the chance to review those words.  

After looking at the illustrations, fill in the blanks in the text. Just a warning: The number of letters missing from the text does not match the length of the underline symbol. If you don't think this exercise is that easy, just scroll down to the bottom of this blog page to find the solutions.

If you would like to solve previous puzzle, too, you can find the Crossword with urban vocabulary by clicking on the link.

Visual clues for the puzzle


1. s___w__k
2. sw___ing p___l
3. poli__ sta___
4. n___borh___d
5. __a__edral
6. __ios__
7. c___e
8. b__lding
9. __indergar__
10. sta___
11. s_____aper
12. b___ty salo__
13. p__t o__ice
14. t__n h__l
15. ch__rch
16. __m
17. stad___
18. f__e st___on


1. sidewalk
2. swimming pool
3. police station
4. neighborhood
5. cathedral
6. kiosk
7. castle
8. building
9. kindergarten
10. statue
11. skyscraper
12. beauty salon
13. post office
14. town hall
15. church
16. gym
17. stadium
18. fire station

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Ejercita tu Inglés: Crucigramas Temáticos para Hispanohablantes : 
Learn English Vocabulary the Fun Way
