Which Sentence Belongs To Which Picture? An Exercise for Chinese Learners
The witch and her cats |
Which sentence belongs to which image? Try to find it out!
If you get stuck, scroll down to the translation of the sentences and try again.
Enjoy your puzzle solving time!
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A. 我想要健康长寿,所以每天锻炼至少几分钟。
B. 祝你生日快乐! 我希望我送你的礼物能让你开心。
C. 早上好!这是你的包裹,请在这里签名。
D. 哦,太热了!即使在海滩上,这种热度也难以忍受。
E. 每周,我姐姐的男朋友都会送她一束鲜花。
F. 我点了一份披萨作为晚餐,但是很快我们就把它吃完了,我们仍然觉得很饿,所以得再订一个。
G. 好吧,孩子们,谁知道答案?
H. 亲爱的,请接下电话,我在洗澡不方便。
I. 我知道您现在感觉很不舒服,但这些药物起效很快,几个小时后您就会感觉好一些。
A. I want to live a long and healthy life, so I exercise at least a few minutes a day.
B. Happy birthday to you! I hope my gift makes you happy.
C. Good morning! This is your package. Please sign here.
D. Oh, it's so hot! The heat is unbearable, even at the beach.
E, Every week, my sister's boyfriend sends her a bouquet of flowers.
F. I ordered a pizza for dinner, but we ate it quickly and we were still hungry, so I had to order another.
G. Well, kids, who knows the answer?
H. Honey, please answer the phone. I am in the shower. I can't take it.
I. I know you are not feeling well right now, but these medicines work quickly and you will feel better in a few hours.
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