Deutschland : A Matching Exercise

 Landeskunde -- Die Bundesländer

German Girl and German Flag

You can find a blank map of Germany below that shows the borders of the federal states. The names of the Bundesländer are not on the map, but they are listed alphabetically beneath the map. Your task is to match the numbered Bundesländer with their names. Although this exercise has nothing to do with declination or conjugation, it does call for some background information on Germany that may be useful when conversing with Germans.

A Blank Map of Germany

Baden-Württenberg ___ 

Bayern ___ 

Berlin ___ 

Brandenburg ___ 

Bremen ___ 

Hamburg ___ 

Hessen ___ 

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ___ 

Niedersachsen ___ 

Nordrhein-Westfalen ___ 

Rheinland-Pfalz ___ 

Saarland ___ 

Sachsen ___ 

Sachsen-Anhalt ___ 

Schleswig-Holstein ___ 

Thüringen ___ 


Baden-Württenberg (15), Bayern (16), Berlin (7), Brandenburg (6), Bremen (4), Hamburg (3), Hessen (10), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (2), Niedersachsen (5), Nordrhein-Westfalen (9), Rheinland-Pfalz (13), Saarland (14), Sachsen (12), Sachsen-Anhalt (8), Schleswig-Holstein (1), Thüringen (11)
