Clothes: An Easy Crossword with Pictures


A blouse

You will find an easy crossword puzzle below. It is easy, because we already worked with the same vocabulary a few months ago. If you are interested, you can find the previous entry HERE

If you need help, scroll down to the solutions, where you will find the hints again, but this time not the pictures, but the English words you need to put into the squares.


A crossword puzzle

Hints -- pictures -- for the crossword puzzle

Solution to the crossword puzzle


3 flip-flops
6 coat
7 swimsuit
10 shirt
11 pants
14 belt
15 scarf
18 blouse
19 shorts
20 jeans


1 boot
2 jacket
4 sandal
5 hat
7 sweater
8 skirt
9 necktie
10 socks
12 shoe
13 dress
16 cap
17 glove

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Discover more puzzles in my book

Ejercita tu Inglés: Crucigramas Temáticos para Hispanohablantes : 
Learn English Vocabulary the Fun Way
