Chinese Zodiac Signs : A Matching Exercise
Chinese Zodiac Signs
You can find the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs in the picture below and your task is to match them with the corresponding Chinese characters and Pinyin. If you need help, scroll down to the help section where you will find the vocabulary needed to solve the exercise.
狗 ___, 猴 ___, 虎 ___, 鸡 ___, 龙 ___, 马 ___, 牛 ___, 蛇 ___, 鼠 ___, 兔 ___, 羊 ___, 猪 ___
gǒu ___, hóu ___, hǔ ___, jī ___, lóng ___, mǎ ___,
niú ___, shé ___, shǔ ___, tù ___, yáng ___, zhū ___
鼠, shǔ -- Rat
牛, niú -- Ox
虎, hǔ -- Tiger
兔, tù -- Rabbit
龙, lóng -- Dragon
蛇, shé -- Snake
马, mǎ -- Horse
羊, yáng -- Goat
猴, hóu -- Monkey
鸡, jī -- Rooster
狗, gǒu -- Dog
猪, zhū -- Pig
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