In der Stadt : A Crossword Puzzle with Audio Files
In der Stadt
Below you will find a crossword puzzle, but this time the hints are audio files rather than words. Your task is to put the correct German words into the appropriate squares as you listen to the audio files. This exercise will help you become better at listening and spelling.
Laptops should be able to play the audio without any issues, but mobile devices might not. Sorry for that.
der Bezirk, -e -- district
die Firma, Firmen -- company
das Fitnessstudio, -s -- gym
der Friseur, -e -- barber
das Gebäude, - -- building
der Gehweg, -e -- side walk
die Kathedrale, -n -- cathedrale
der Kindergarten, Kindergärten -- kindergarten
der Kiosk, -e -- kiosk
die Kirche, -n -- church
die Polizeistation, -en -- police station
die Post, -en -- post office
das Rathaus, Rathäuser -- city hall
das Schloss, Schlösser -- castle
das Schwimmbad, Schwimmbäder -- swimming pool
das Stadion, Stadien -- stadion
der Stadtrand, Stadtränder -- outskirts
die Statue, -n -- statue
der Wolkenkratzer, - -- skyscraper
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