在城市 / In the City : A Crossword Puzzle


In the city

Complete the crossword by putting in the pinyin. If you are stuck, scroll down to the vocabulary section where you will find the Hanzi, the pinyin and the English meaning of the Chinese words, too.

在城市 / In the City


在城市 zài chéngshì -- in the city
人行道 rénxíngdào -- sidewalk
城堡 chéngbǎo -- castle
市政厅 shìzhèng tīng -- city hall, town hall
亭 tíng -- kiosk
邮局 yóujú -- post office
郊区 jiāoqū -- outskirts
大教堂 dà jiàotáng -- cathedral
小区 xiǎoqū -- small residential area
公司 gōngsī -- company
幼儿园 yòu'éryuán -- kindergarten
教会 jiàohuì -- church
健身房 jiànshēnfáng -- gym
理发店 lǐfǎ diàn -- barber shop
游泳池 yóuyǒngchí -- swimming pool
建筑 jiànzhú -- building
摩天大楼 mótiān dàlóu -- skyscraper
塑像 sùxiàng -- statue
警察局 jǐngchá jú -- police station
体育场 tǐyùchǎng -- stadium
宫 gōng -- palace
